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after nine years… march 2022…

It is said that spring brings with it the renewal of life, everything returns to its original state, only not completely the same as before 🙂

While waiting for the weather to get warmer, we thought of some cool activities we would like to do this month!
Before getting into the subject, we feel like we need to share something with you.

You know us, even when the times are dark, we like to keep up a positive vibe, for only love and positivity help us create a better environment.

These past two years have been hard for all of us, but the past two weeks have been even harder for the people of Ukraine.

We will not get to the political side of this story, we only care about the effect this has on the ordinary people of Ukraine.. people like you, like me.. people like us.
It’s hard to imagine what they must be going through, even though they have no fault in this!

We want to offer our help in any way we can, so we are asking for your help aswell!

If you are willing to donate clothes/food/any other items you think can be useful, you can bring them to our shop and we will make sure they will reach the people who really need them in these difficult times!

We would like to thank you all in advance for your kindness

This being said, let’s move on to what March has in stock for us at Misbits 🙂 We will start the month with a giveaway!!!

You can find more information about this, what you have to do and what is the prize by clicking –> here <–

This year also marks the 9th anniversary of our little shop, so what better way to celebrate it than with a special series of livestreams aaand.. an anniversary party! 😀

Yep, you heard that right 😉

The “after 9 years..” concept is a podcast series, a plan of 4 streams from the shop, one for each week of this month.
You already know the drill.. we bring the amazing artists, they bring the music, all that’s left for you to so is to enjoy <3.

The first stream of the series brings back Cristi Cons to the shop, it has been quite a while since he last played in our cosy spot so you can imagine we are very happy and curious to hear what records he has prepared for us. Our dear shopkeeper Ioana (some of you know her as Miss I) will join him, they will play for a hour and a half each.

If you want to find out more about this event, click –> here <–

This month, nine years ago, Ioana’s dream came into being. The electronic music record store this city much needed finally opened!

Now, after all these years, we believe that we should celebrate our 9th anniversary together! (maybe we’ll make a tradition of this)

We’ve teamed up with Club Guesthouse and we are cooking an event which will take place inside their venue 🙂

We will not say more at this moment, think of this as some kind of teaser.
More information will become available as the event will soon be posted online, you just need to be have a little patience! (it will be worth it.. we promise!)

Also, we have a special announce to make for the 8th of March, which you well know it’s the International Woman’s Day.
The girls will have a special 15% discount on all our products! If there’s someone you know who loves vinyl, this is a great opportunity for a gift 😀

We can’t say for sure this is all we have planned for this month, who knows how many more ideas we might come up with?
For now, we wanted to share our plans with you, anything else that might happen… be sure that we’ll let you know!

Thanks for believing in us, it’s obvious we couldn’t do it without you, but even so, we want you to know we appreciate your support.
We wish you all a happy beginning of the Spring!!!! See you at the shop 😉